
Keyboard Shortcuts

CTRL+A Highlights the whole editing area
CTRL+B Changes your font to bold.
CTRL+C Copies the highlighted area to the clipboard
CTRL+I Changes your font to italic.
CTRL+L Opens the Link window.
CTRL+U Changes your font to underlined.
CTRL+V or SHIFT+INSERT Pastes the data from the clipboard
CTRL+X or SHIFT+DELETE Cuts the highlighted area.
CTRL+Y or CTRL+SHIFT+Z Starts the redo function
CTRL+Z Starts the undo function.


Common Toolbar Functions

The following is the full set of toolbar functions for the wordprocessor in HQ. The wordprocessor is used in various locations in HQ, such as editing documents, creating emails, writing notes about a meeting, and so on. Not all of these buttons are used in all of these locations.

Toolbar Element
View or edit the document source code (for advanced users).
New Removes all contents, creating a new blank page.
Save.png Saves the page you were editing.
Select a layout template.
Cut the highlighted text to the clipboard. See Cut, Copy and Paste.
Copy the highlighted text to the clipboard. See Cut, Copy and Paste.
Paste Paste Text
Paste the data copied to the clipboard (with or without formatting). See Cut, Copy and Paste.
Paste from Word
Paste content copied from Microsoft Word or similar applications. See Cut, Copy and Paste. 
Undo or redo the most recent action taken. See Undo and Redo.
Find a word or phrase within the document. See Find and Replace.
Find and replace a word or phrase within the document. See Find and Replace.
Select All
Select the entire text in the document.
Remove Format
Remove the formatting from the highlighted text.
Bold ItalicUnderlineStrikethrough
Applies bold, italic, underscore or strikethrough formatting to the highlighted text.See Text Formatting.
Superscript or subscript the highlighted text.See Superscript and subscript in Text Formatting.
Insert Ordered ListInsert Unordered List< Creates numbered or bulleted lists.
OutdentIndent Increase or decrease the text indentation. 
Format a block of text to identify quotations (text provenient from other sources).
Justify LeftJustify CentreJustify RightJustify Full Sets the text alignment (left, centered, right or justified). See Text layout and format in Text Formatting.
LinkUnlink Converts or removes the text in hyperlinks. It may also by used to manage file uploads and links to files on the web server.
Anchor Inserts or modifies a link anchor.
Image Inserts images into the document. See Inserting Images.
Flash Inserts a Adobe Flash element into the page.
Table Creates a table with the defined number of columns and rows. See Tables.
Insert Horizontal Rule.gif Inserts a divider line (horizontal rule). 
Smiley Inserts an emoticons image (smiley faces, email icon, lightbulb, etc.).
Specialchar.gif Inserts symbols & special characters (accented characters, trademark, currency symbol, etc.).
Pagebreak.gif Inserts a printing page break. Only impacts printed version. 
Style Styles & formatting determine the appearance and semantic value of your document. You may use the drop down boxes to apply styles, set the font, its size, etc. To remove the applied style select the style name again. See Text Formatting.
Text Colour Changes the color of the text. See Size and color in Text Formatting.
Background Colour Changes the background color of the text. See Size and color in Text Formatting.


To begin cutting the text you should firstly highlight the fragment you want to cut.

After highlighting there are three methods to cut:


You can copy a highlighted area in three ways:


There are three options to paste into the text:



The undo function is very useful in a situation where you have made a mistake and you want to correct it quickly. For example if you've written your whole document and erased it by mistake.

You can activate the undo function in two ways:

After you activate Undo the editor will revert to the last thing you've written. For example: you've written a whole chapter in your text and you've highlighted it and than deleted it by mistake. You activate the "Undo" function and it reverts to the moment when the chapter was highlighted but before the deleting. You may of course go many steps back, not just one step.


The redo function is the exact opposite of the undo function. If you used the undo function and than for any reason decided to go back to the state before the undo you must use the redo function. To activate it press Redoon the toolbar.

Text Formatting

Bold, Italic, Underlined and Strike-through

 You may arrange the way you font looks like by choosing whether the font should be bold, italic, underlined or 'stroked through'.


Use of Bold, Italic,Underlines and Strike-through

If you choose any of these options you will see that the button on the toolbar will highlight whenever this section of text is selected. If you want to disable the function press its button again. Of course you can mix these options as much as you want.


Mixed formating

Notice that if you don't switch the underline option off the underline will go between your blanks.


Underline spaces as well as text

The same thing happens when you use the strike through function.


It is quite easy to make your text looking ugly or difficult to read using too many different formats. Styles help to make formatting uniform across the text.

Each style option contains a predefined combination of formatting features, which have been pre-defined. Styles are also a way to combine all the formatting function described in this page. They give you fast access to the common used text formats.

For example: you don't have to change the font, its color, its background, its size. You simply peak a style you prefer from the Style menu and start typing.

Styles menu

This is the best way to quickly change the look of your document.


Styles in use

Text Alignment

A paragraph of text can be aligned to either of the sides of the document, as well as centering. You may also force the lines to take the entire space available in the document (like aligning to both sides at the same time).

To align your text at the left side of the editing area, press the Left alignbutton on the toolbar.


Align left

 If you want instead to have the text aligned at the right side of the editing area, just press the button Align righton the toolbar.


Align right

In order to align your text at the center of the document, press the Align centeron your toolbar.


Align center

The last option is the block alignment. If you want to activate it press Block justifyon the toolbar. This function is similar to the left alignment. You also begin typing from the left side of the screen. The difference is seen when writing several lines of text. Each one will have the same length even though they don't have to have the same amount of words or letters. The lines will just expand and the text will be equally long so that the lines will end in the same place.


Block alignment

Paragraph (Block) Format

Another very important feature is the Format menu:

Format menu

A format is used for organizing your text and to distinguish different parts of your text. For example if you want to start a new chapter or to put different categories and subcategories you use the format menu and choose different headings.


Format example


The most commonly used fonts are "Times New Roman" and "Arial". They are used in most documents created in the world and are often used in formal documents. If you wish to use a different font you are of course more than welcome to do so. To choose a font you want to type in access the font menu in your toolbar and click on the font you decided to use.


Font menu


Fonts example

Try to avoid overusing this feature. You can easily produce a document that looks bad or is difficult to read. Give preference to the Styles menu instead.

Text Size

To change you font size open the "Size" menu in the toolbar.

Text Size menu

To change the size of your font just choose one of the options.


Font Size example


The other option to make your text look different is changing either the text colour or its background colour. If you want to change your text colour press the text colour button Text Colour. Several colours will appear in a menu. If you are not satisfied with the colours available in that panel click "More colors...".

To choose the colour you want to use, just click on it.


Colour menu


Text colour example

You may also change the text background colour using the button Background Colour. Again you will find a range of colours the same ones as in the text colour. Click on the colour you want to choose.


Background Colour

You may also mix the colours of your text and the background.

Subscript and Superscript

Subscript and superscript are often used for mathematical texts. Subscript is a way to put an index to a letter or to a number. The subscript has a smaller font than the normal text. To activate subscript you must press the Subscriptbutton on the toolbar.


Subscript example

As you can see, subscript can be applied to either a number or a letter.

The superscript function works in the same way as the subscript, but instead of placing the index in the bottom you place it in the top. This function is usually used in mathematical equations to write the "to the power of" function. You can access it from the toolbar using the Superscriptbutton.



You can also mix these two functions:


Subscript and Superscript mixed